Monday, June 28, 2010


(I stole the title of this post from my fellow fitness blogger Sarah, because it totally captures how I feel right now. Thanks, Sarah!)

I did not work out this morning, and slept later than I should. I ate entirely too many cranberry-walnut-oatmeal cookies yesterday and today (totally voiding the two intense workouts I did Saturday and Sunday). I drank way more Diet Coke this afternoon than I should have. I'm retaining more water than the Hoover Dam right now, so the scale yesterday showed I'm back up to the weight I was three weeks ago. My feet are swollen (see Hoover Dam reference above), so even though these sandals looked totally cute when I bought them a month ago, today I think they look like my 83-year-old grandmother is wearing them instead of a fun, stylish 32-year-old. Since I slept too late, I had to do the wet-hair-into-a-scraggly-ponytail style today.

Consequently, I feel shaky-weak-tired-bloated-hungry-nauseated-frustrated-ugly-blar.



And as I say it out loud (with feeling!) while I'm writing, then I make myself laugh. And I get up tomorrow and start over again.


Hee hee.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! Changing how I eat and work out blows. But it will be worth it. It did help me to set a time that I could be grumpy until. I was in a better mood by 10:17, as odd as it seems.

    I totally forgot to give you a shout out for the pedometer tip. I wore one today because I knew I would be workout free until after work. I felt better knowing I had 8k step in before I left work.
