Monday, June 21, 2010

The Mama Elephants

So, given that I felt like I was breezing through the level 1 workouts on the "30 Day Shred", I thought Saturday would be a great day to move up to level 2.


Level 2 is a whole different world than level 1. Level 1 was kind of on par with the moves I was used to from Farrell's, and I think I did OK. Level 2 is VERY different, starting with the very first strength move - a little something Jillian calls "walking push-ups". I have renamed them the "Mama Elephant" since I imagine that's what I look like when I do them.

Here's the run-down:
  • From a standing position, bend down to touch your toes.
  • Walk your hands out in front of you until you are in a push-up position.
  • Drop down into a push-up.
  • Push back up into the upright push-up position.
  • Walk your hands back to your toes before standing upright again.
  • Repeat 10 times.
  • Pause briefly on rep 6 to think about what a lumbering idiot you must look like.
  • After rep 10, fall onto squishy pink yoga mat and wheeze uncontrollably for the 5 seconds Jillian allows you to rest.
  • Lumber to your feet and move on to next exercise in the circuit, knowing the walking push-ups/Mama Elephants are coming back in just 2 minutes.

It's super-neat.

Weigh in this week showed another 1.5 pound loss, and - desperate for some positive affirmation - I took my measurements again. Overall, I'm down about an inch, which I guess is OK. I can feel myself falling into the same trap of thinking I had while I was doing Farrell's 10-week program, where I expected to miraculously reach my goals within the 10 weeks of the program. After all, I *got* this fat in 10 weeks, right? So I should be able to get as thin as I want in 10 weeks too, right?

Again, riiiiiiiiight. :)

So, I'll keep plugging away. I noticed last week, when I got up early Wednesday morning to exercise, that Wednesday was by far my most productive day at work. As I've said before, the b*tch about exercise is everything people say about it is true - you have more energy, you sleep better, and you're typically in a better mood. Except when you picture yourself doing walking push-ups.

1 comment:

  1. I hate doing pushups like that. I think your name for them is perfect.
