Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dear Level 2 of the "30 Day Shred"...

Dear Level 2 of the "30 Day Shred",

This is a difficult letter for me to write, but there are some things that need to be said. I know our relationship is still in the early stages, but in the spirit of truth I need to tell you some things.

First, it is totally not fair of you to be such a dramatic departure from your little brother Level 1. I was rocking Level 1, and feeling all smug and strong that I could do "real" push-ups, and then you had to go throw things like "plank jacks" at me and make me feel like a big ol' wimp. When I'm crawling out of bed at 6:15 to meet you, I would appreciate you not shaming me by forcing me to wheeze like an asthmatic horse in the middle of the workout.

Second, WHAT is up with all the "plank position" exercises? Do you not KNOW how whacked out my center of gravity is? I was given these giant thighs for a reason - let me use them to support myself! My wimpy arms cannot do it! They are screaming for mercy by the middle of the second set!

Finally, and this is the most painful part, but I have to say that YOU BETTER WORK AND WORK SOON. Otherwise, we are totally breaking up. And no, it's not me - it's you. It can't possibly be me and my abysmal level of fitness and the fact that I've overslept the past two days and this morning was my first workout since Monday. It has to be you. IT HAS TO BE.

Feeling especially shouty,

1 comment:

  1. I tried level 2 once last week. I yelled at the TV throughout the entire workout. It will get better. The plank exercises will still suck, but once you start doing them regularly it becomes less hideous.
