Monday, September 20, 2010

Holy cats, this stuff is working...

Morning weigh-in today showed a loss of 3.7 pounds since last week. No telling how much of that was scar tissue the surgeon took out last Tuesday, but I'll take it!

It made me giggle that I got a "you are losing weight too fast" notice from the Weight Watchers Web site when I entered my weight today. Now, I know that it is a danger to lose weight too fast in that it compromises muscle tissue and leads to other health problems. But, in light of the week I've had, it ain't a bad way to begin a Monday. :)


  1. Yee-ha! Way to go! I embarked on my first early-morning workout since college today (and am determined to not make up for it with extra caffeine today!). Still awake so far!

  2. Congratulations! That is wonderful. You are such an inspiration.
