Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday fail, Monday win, Tuesday trial...

So, it's been quite the week here in Ivy land. I started this post on Monday, and am just now able to sit upright long enough to finish it. Aaack.

Last Friday, my company hosted a tailgate party in honor of the upcoming Iowa-Iowa State bloodletting... ah, I mean, game. :) Sandwiches and cookies the size of my FACE were catered by QuikTrip, which is located at the end of our access road and I'm sure sees a ton of business from out employees. I chose the Chicken Cucumber Caesar Wrap, thinking with that many good things in the name it had to be relatively healthy, right? WRONG. I was halfway through it before I read the nutritional content and choked. How could there be 30 grams of fat in one wrap? And how could I finish the rest of it after reading that? But finish I did, as well as the white chocolate macadamia nut cookie the size of my face. FAIL. And the wrap wasn't even that great. (When I mentioned this to my friend Sarah, she said, "What? Ivy, are you saying that gas station food isn't of the highest quality?" Yeah, I know...)

But I redeemed myself on Monday, by posting a 2.8 pound loss for the week. YEAH, BABY! Take THAT, QT chicken wraps! :) But I didn't have long to savor my victory, as I had to get ready for the outpatient surgery I was having on Tuesday. And by "get ready" I mean "choke down two bottles of vile lemon-tasting cleanser that would send me running to the bathroom every 10 minutes for the rest of the night." Good times. But hey, nothing like a bowel cleanse to help with the weight loss efforts! Not that I'll be doing another one any time soon - like EVER.

Surgery Tuesday was OK - the doctor had to do a great deal more mucking around in my innards than she thought she would, which has made my recovery that much slower. Today (Saturday) is the first day I've been sitting upright more than I haven't, and my big accomplishment is that I can rise from a chair without grabbing for sturdy objects to use as I pull myself up. For a girl who this time last year was counting how many sit-ups she could do, not being able to actually sit up from bed without serious pain is quite an adjustment. This is the first time I can recall being seriously incapacitated, and I'm not a fan. Plus, the doctor found some things during surgery that lead her to believe that when Mr. Ivy Sprague *finally* shows up and we decide we want to have adorable redheaded babies, it may not be without some complications. That also threw me for a loop, and I'm still trying to deal with it. But I keep reminding myself that I serve a great big God, who could make little redheaded babies happen while I'm sitting at this laptop without medical or human intervention. And I fully believe He will when the time is right - and that He'll probably choose more conventional means. :)

All that being said, I'm drinking tons of water (especially now that it's easier to get up off the couch and make it to the bathroom!) and staying within my Points range for Weight Watchers all this week. My first post-surgery meal was old-fashioned oats with raisins and brown sugar, and it was one of the BEST things I've tasted in a long while. Beats gas station wraps all to heck. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Sorry about the complications. You are right in God does have a can he just let us in on it a bit? Stay strong!

