Monday, July 5, 2010


It's been nearly a week since I had a date with Mistress Jillian and her squats of wonder. I was all pumped up last Tuesday, and since then the stress of trying to figure out if I'm nuts for heading off to a foreign country for a week by myself has sucked out all of my ambition. Plus, nearly everyone I work with has been on vacation all last week (and the office is still empty today) and it turns out I do NOT work well without social interactions at regular intervals. I'm unproductive and grumpy all day at work, which means I go home and want to do nothing but knit and eat chocolate ice cream. Which is exactly what I've done for the last week. I've gained a completed pair of wool socks, and lost the emerging muscle tone in my biceps. Good trade? I don't think so.

This trip to London started out as my single girl adventure into the wide, wide world, and a chance to see how God might speak to me when everything (and I mean, EVERYTHING!) familiar is stripped away. Now, it's just freaking me out, and I'm afraid I'll cower in my hotel room all week and not do all the amazing things I have planned in my itinerary spreadsheet. (Of course there's an itinerary spreadsheet. Remember who you're dealing with, here.) Worse, I'm afraid that my high, high hopes for this trip will be completely dashed by the time it's over and I'll be questioning all the things I thought I knew. Who has two thumbs and puts incredibly unreasonable high-pressure expectations on a vacation? THIS GIRL. (thumbs pointing to chest that hasn't done a push-up in six days)

But, for better or worse, the carry-on suitcase is packed and waiting at home and I'm driving to Minneapolis tomorrow to catch Iceland Air Flight 656 at 7:20 p.m. And my resistance band is packed in the suitcase, and Mistress Jillian's Level 2 workout is on my iPod.

Here we go.

1 comment:

  1. I had a bad weekend too. But we're back at it. That is what matters. If it was easy and there weren't times that just suck beyond belief we would both be in amazing shape.

    I am very impressed with your solo trip to Europe. It takes so much courage to travel alone. And it's super cool. I've dreamed about getting off my butt and seeing the world by myself, as I think you would get to learn much more. I even have a book about women who travel alone. By making this trip you become even more of a hero of mine. Everything I know about you points to you being a woman of strength and integrity. Never forget how cool you are.

    Have a wonderful trip. I can't wait to hear about it. Especially the part where you work out every morning before going on amazing adventures.
